Vintage industrial lamps

All our lights are original pieces, so they have visible signs of time and wear, which are deliberately maintained to testify to their authenticity, making each one unique and different from the others.

Not suitable for outdoor use.

Additional information

Height 40cm with bracket
Depth 21cm
Wattage max 100W
Color Dark gray
Bulb E27 LED
Wiring rubber-coated cable with grounding, 50cm
Diameter 15CM
Length 21cm
Available quantity: 4
Logo Placida Lettis Luce

Placida Lettis Luce embodies a journey through time, serving as an art and design laboratory where history is reimagined in a contemporary context.

Daniela Marzolla, the creative force behind Placida Lettis Luce, has dedicated her heart and her art to the recovery and conservative restoration of industrial lamps from the last century.

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Logo Placida Lettis Luce

Placida Lettis Luce has become the reference for the recovery and restoration of industrial lamps, standing out for the meticulousness and attention to detail with which each lamp is dismantled, checked, cleaned, and reconditioned